Monday, June 28, 2004

On Beards- Their Pros and Cons

I first grew a beard right after I graduated college in May of 2002, breaking a vow I had sworn not to grow facial hair before the age of thirty. I had observed that most young men who grow beards or mustaches didn't really pull it off. I often heard them described as having pubic hair on their face. I myself briefly owned a mustache when I was 13 or 14, a pre-shaving, in-denial-that-I-ought-to-be-shaving mustache, which may still be seen clearly in my yearbook photos of both 8th and 9th grade. It was when I finally shaved the ratty peachfuzz from my lip that I promised myself I would go clean-shaven until I was older, and facial hair would better suit me. I projected older to be roughly 30.
So why did I break this solemn vow to myself, and why was I so impatient that I did so in the month of May, hardly prime beard season? I would say that the primary motive for growing facial hair, in my case and in most others, is a desire to look older. In my case specifically, having just graduated college and feeling like I was expected to be an adult, I felt a need to look the part. So I grew a beard, and went from looking 17 to looking 19 and a half. I liked the change, and have kept a beard, off and on, ever since.
Recently I have been considering whether to shave my beard off for the summer (something that I consider every now and then, but which only happens accidentally, if I make a mistake trimming), and I have decided to make a list of beard pros and cons, not to help myself decide but to advise others who may be thinking about taking one on for themselves.

Beard Pro #1-
A beard makes you look older (see above).

Beard Con #1-
If a beard is not thick enough it will not make you look older, it will make you look stupid. Someone will say you have pubic hair on your face (it's actually a commonly used expression).

Beard Pro #2-
Some members of the opposite sex will compliment your beard. "Don't shave your beard," they will say giving you a much needed boost of self-esteem, "your beard is hot." Some members of your own sex might do so also (Mike Roth said mine made me look like a "stud." His ridiculous word, not mine).

Beard Con #2-
For every person who likes your beard, another will not. Some may even be scared of you. "Ew, shave that off," they will say. "You look like a child molester."

Beard Pro #3-
A mustache serves to protect your upper lip. This can be particularly helpful when you have a cold, and repeated contact with tissues can make your lip red and sore. A mustache acts as a lip shield.

Beard Con #3-
Things get caught in a mustache, food and drink particularly. If you do get a cold you must be careful to avoid getting boogers in it.

Beard Pro #4(kind of obvious)-
A beard keeps your face warm in winter.

Beard Con #4(equally obvious)-
A beard makes your face hot in summer.

So, to sum up-
Beard Advice from the Experienced Beard Owner
1. Don't grow one if you can't do it right; you'll look like a jackass.
2. Take a running tally of how many people like your beard and how many don't, and then keep it or shave it off accordingly.
3. If you have a mustache drink with a straw and only blow your nose in front of a mirror.
4. Change with the seasons.
I feel certain that if you follow these four easy rules you too can have many years of beard success.


Miss Scarlet said...

One time my dad shaved his mustache off and I didn't recognize him when he came to pick me up from Girl Scouts.
I hope I always recognize you, with or without facial hair.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I have found that my beard keeps my face cool in the summer, not hot, in much the same way as the hair on your head protects your scalp from the sun. It tends to pick up moisture and air currents cool you off, not warm you up.