Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Nicknames, Part 1 (or Poindexter McEagle's Nest Makes a Splash)

I knew a pianist in college named Mike Disque who liked to give people nicknames.
Some he used all the time--a short and stocky man named Jeffrey, who was obsessed with train simulation programs and wore a big mustache and aviator style glasses, came up in conversation often, but never as Jeffrey. Always, "Turd Ferguson."
Some I heard only once-- my friend Mandy, a Catholic who dressed in Goth clothing and make-up, was "the Gothlic," but I only know that because I was there when she asked him to tell her.
My own name I asked for repeatedly, but heard only third-hand after I graduated-- "Pooh Bear."

There was a new freshman pianist my senior year of college who was discussed widely in the music department, discussed because he was talented and seemed borderline crazy. His real name was Brent, which I only just now remember after several days of puzzling it over. It's taken me several days because I always refered to him as "Poindexter McEagle's Nest," the name Mike gave him. "Poindexter" described his manner and appearance-- he was tall and thin, with an awkwardness that most people attributed to homeschooling. "McEagle's Nest" was for his job working the fryer at the student commons, "the Eagle's Nest," which is where I saw him most, usually in a t-shirt mapping the human muscular system. I saw him somewhat less frequently around the music department, but it's there that he interacted wiith me.
"What's your favorite Beethoven Piano Concerto?" is the only thing I can remember him saying directly to me (mine was #5, his the less obvious and to me unfamiliar #3).

Poindexter is most remembered now (at least by people I know) for his first departmental recital, for whiich he played Chopin. I can't remember the exact piecee, but it was fast and somewhere in the middle of the piece he got lost and started improvising. This in itself was not unusual, and would have gone unnoticed had he not started audibly whispering to his fingers as he did it.
"No. No, that's wrong. Try that one. No, wrong too. Ah, that's better. No, no, uh. Hmm, uh. No, okay. Hmm."
Having worked his way to the end of the piece with out stopping, young McEagle's Nest stood and awkwardly bowed to the scattered applause. Then, as he descended the stage, he tripped and fell. He did not fall as most people do, wiith his arms in front of him to brace the fall. He threw his arms back, as though diving, and landed flat on his face. He fell next to the front row, grabbing the thigh of a horrified Tricia Pifko. There, face down on the floor of the small recital hall, Poindexter McEagle's Nest was heard to say,
"What a great way to end the performance."


Anonymous said...

Andrew, this entry is awesome.

P.s. But F Mike disque and everything he stands for.

p.p.s. Did I have a nickname?

Andrew said...

Erin- If you have a nickname I don't know it. but you have to have one-- everybody does.
I think Suzanne's might have been "Hottest Girl in Fredricksburg," but I might be wrong. I know I heard them call her that once though.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne's nickname was DogBalls Girl. Because they used to say that if they ever said the phrase "dog balls" in front of Suzanne she would flip out.

Andrew said...

That's right, I remember him saying doogballls and her freaking out.
But if Suzanne is "Dogballs Girl," who is 'The Hottest Girl in Fredricksburg?" I personally thought it was Amy Bradley, but I don' think they knew her.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. She was hot.

Anonymous said...

I like that part about grabbing tricia pifko's thigh

Miss Scarlet said...

I'm pretty sure it was me, guys.

Anonymous said...

Andrew, think about it. Poindexter is still out there somewhere. He's most likely an MWC alumni , parading around with the very same degree I have hanging on my wall (actually it's in my basement somewhere, I hope.)
Your nickname WAS in fact Pooh Bear. There was a time sophomore year when I had trouble sleeping. I put the Winnie the Pooh story/sing along CD on my computer to help sleep at night. This was in the very same week that you and I starting talking after class, tapping into all the humor found in our small little world of 8AM Theory. You were "Pooh Bear", and not because you helped me sleep at night. (No... that would come later.) You had one of those nicknames that was just a gut feeling, and it had a lot to do with the timing of when we met. Well, it was a nickname given in good fun so I hope you're not offended. Most people are offended by their nickname once they find out. They think they want to know, but really they don't. That was a risk when nicknaming half the school and acting like 12 year olds. But what are you gonna do? We have the master list of nicknames from freshmen year printed out somewhere.
Miss you guys.
And hey, where's my copy of the Brahms recital? Son of a Brahms!

Andrew said...

Hey Mike, where the hell have you been?
No, I don't mind Pooh Bear at all.
I still have the Brahms recital on VHS, I can make you a copy.