Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Serving Four Years in the Prison of Public Ignorance

When George Bush was elected in 2000 it could be argued that the American people didn't know what they were voting for. That argument is no longer possible. We as a nation are now officially guilty, and when Osama bin Laden attacks us next I will be forced to take up the unpopular position that we deserve what we get. I regret that there isn't some way for such an attack to kill only Republicans.


Anonymous said...

I made a campaign promise that I am now apprehensive about keeping:

"If George Bush is elected for another term," I told my roommate, I will drive drunk tonight."

I didn't do it. I'm not going to do it. I'm better than that. C'mon, Ohio, I thought you were better than that.

But no. It appears that Ohio has decided to drive drunk too, along with Louisiana and Arizona, and the rest of the bitter American South.

Have another Pabst, motherfuckers. Get behind the wheel and let's cruise into some Arabian nation with the bomb at a hundred and fifty per. We're Americans, right? God wants us to do whatever we please, right?

At least this election appears to have been honest. Four years ago I merely suspected that we weren't smart enough to be trusted to elect our leaders. Now I'm fucking positive.

Good night. I hope I don't wake up.
(No, Andrew, I don't think your blog is too bitter. Nick)

Anonymous said...

hey andrew.

i still read, so keep it going.
i am very saddened by the events of last night.

i just don't get this country.
are we really so gullible and stupid.

don't people understand what he is doing?

or am i just making too big a deal, and in the
big picture, this isn't anything to worry about.

all i know is...
four years is a very long time.

see you soon!!!
we miss you!


Miss Scarlet said...

Hmmm, Based on your latest entry's title I suspected I was the only one who still reads your Blog.

Anonymous said...

you are so right.
thank you for saying exactly what i was thinking.