Friday, November 19, 2004

An Analysis of Sarah's Mathematical Relationship to Condoleeza Rice

About six months back I wrote an entry on my sister's blog, which she stopped updating soon after. I just found it again, and liked it enough that I wanted to reprint it. It's a total waste of your time, but only about thirty seconds of it.

Sarah likes drugs and animals. She believes things that she reads when they support what she already believes. She is better than Condoleeza Rice. The previous statements can be rephrased as the equation:
Sarah + animals/marijuana > Condoleeza Rice
(it's harder to express the part about believing what she reads mathematically. you probably need calculus or some shit for that.)

Condoleeza Rice looks like vomit and I hope she dies. Either that or Ariel Sharon gets her pregnant and she is forced to resign in shame, and their little Jewish mulato baby grows up to one day end world hunger and create a race of super-cats who talk and cook elaborate French food.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

You're off tempo, Peter.