Monday, August 16, 2004

Stick the Landing

Tonight I watched the olympic men's team gymnastics final on NBC, and listened as two gymnastics experts tried in vain to convince a third commentator that there was more to gymnastics than sticking landings.
"At this point, steps like that are dream-killers," said Number 3.
"Actually Alan, I think that should be more than enough to ensure a medal," said Tim, sounding very nasal, very excited, and very gay.
"It seems that the Americans have eeked out a silver. Who knows what might have been had it not been for those steps on the landing," said Alan. (That might not have been his name. He sounded like an Alan though.)
I wish America would wake up and stop living in this dream world where all anyone has to do to achieve olympic glory is land on two feet and not take a step. This douchebag Alan isn't helping matters.


Miss Scarlet said...

I always thought Alan was John Tesh. Or else his twin.
Yeah he's soooo annoying! Tries to make everything so dramatic.
Yay for the Japanese though!

Miss Scarlet said...

I love (hate) when JohnTesh says, "He's going for the gold!" what are the rest of them doing, aiming for bronze?