Sunday, July 25, 2004

More Fun With Staff Recommendations

Recently it seems that most of my journal entries are either about Barnes and Noble or college. I have tried to avoid this, but with very few things of interest to report (though today at work there was this crazy twitching muttering guy with blue goop running down his scalp), and my interest in national events waning (the Democratic National convention is too depressing to watch) I have caved in and decided to relate the following painfully absurd, Barnes and Noble related humor--

Julius- The touching story of an elephant who befriends a lonely hippo. Together they take on the Columbiandrug cartels,andlearn valuable lessonsabout friendship. Finnegan's Wake is a great book for children of every age.

Franny- A searing vision of America at the end of the 20th century, Frog and Toad are Friends burns in the mind for months after reading and leads the reader to question, "What would I do with a sack of gravy?"

Pedro- On the Down Low is the true story of Jesus's mud-wrestling match with Gandhi- a true clash of titans. A must read.

Scooter- What happens when two wacky divorees team up to get back at their ex's? Find out in Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville!

Jen- The basis for the movie Dirty Dancing, Kant's Critique of Pure Reason is a steamy romance that's sure to pleez.

Jake- Can you really fit twelve Jesuit priests in a bathtub?! William Styron's Confessions of Nat Turner is a mad-cap farce extraordinaire!!


Anonymous said...

what happened to the one about adolf???

hugs and kisses,
josh (there's got to be a better way) havarky.

Andrew said...

I figured since I had already posted that Mein Kampf recommendation several months ago I'd just post thenew ones. But it was the inspiration for these.
All the best,
Andrew "There is a better way and it's called electrolysis" Everton