Monday, June 05, 2006

The Reason I Took Down "The Porn Thing"

A number of people have asked why I took down the recent repost of "The Hot National Security Advisor," a brief bit of not-quiet-soft-core porn that I plagarised from a Zane book and altered slightly so that it was about a sexual encounter between the Secretary of State and myself.
There are really a few reasons I did this, but the main one is that a number of people found my site by googling things like “big nipples” and “nine-inches in the butt.” It might sound silly, but that’s what it took for me to see that I had crossed the line between edgy and jaw-droppingly poor taste.
There’s something appealing about being uncompromising, and as a result people who fail to compromise are celebrated in every aspect of our culture: Admiral Farragutt’s damning the torpedos, Dirty Harry’s 37 different recognizable speeches (delivered inevitably to a criminal he has the drop on) that are repeated by people ranging from the American Film Institute to shitty cellists in my high school orchestra who now work as mattress salesmen, most of John Wayne’s career but perhaps most memorably when he spanked his wife with a shovel in McLintock thereby causing Pauline Kael to go into a series of twitching fits that would later be misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s disease, George W.’s entire benighted political career from his willingness to claim that Anne Richards was a lesbian to his current willingness to tap the public’s phones and call it national security, the Cuban Missile Crisis, pissy self-absorbed white people sending back their steaks at Outback, ad infinitum. It’s easy to see why people discuss this as being somehow quintessentially “American,” (by people I really mean Shelby Foote) but I think it seems pretty global and it’s not hard to understand why—nobody, not the French or the Iranians or the Irish, likes to compromise; we all do it every day of our lives and we hate it.
Anyway, I thought that by reposting pornography with Condoleeza Rice’s name in it on my blog that I was being uncompromising, but really I was just being disgusting, so I took it down.
My bad.

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