Sunday, December 05, 2004

Jovial Tibetan Retard

Back in August my journal hit a dry patch. I couldn't think of anything good to write, I became more dissatisfied with what I was posting, and for the months of September and October I hardly posted anything.
On election night, in a brief lull between fits of sobbing, I decided to make a brief post about my unhappiness. I made several more posts of a political nature that week, and was thrilled to see people begin commenting regularly on my posts. Some people wrote to say they agreed with me. A douchebag named JTR wrote to tell me he didn't want me to argue until I looked up the facts (I still haven't looked them up JTR! Not cause I'm lazy, there's just a lot of them.). A co-worker of mine made reference to this awesome impression he does of Marlon Brando at work all the time (Luck be a lady tonight! Sing with me Larry! No, you're off tempo.).
So I really like comments. I have thought that maybe the key to getting comments was posting entries of a political nature, but I don't want to further offend my Republican friends, several of whom are still pissed at me after I claimed that I wouldn't be friends with them anymore. Also, I've let the more political part of me get a little numb since the election, something I remember happening in 2000 as well.
So, because I don't feel up to being angry about the assfucking the working class is receiving from the Republican party (the working class doesn't appear to be angry, why should I?), I will merely say that I like comments, and would probably enjoy it if you wrote one. To leave a comment, click on the little link that says "comment." Remember, it's more fun if you leave your name! Don't be a chickenshit and write initials like JTR for me to guess at (Jive Turkey Rapist? Jiggly Tiger Rectum?).

1 comment:

Miss Scarlet said...

You never comment on mine.