Monday, March 01, 2004

I am not Smart

Perhaps you have noticed that for the second half of february I posted only one line, a belated response to a country song about September eleventh. I haven't felt up to writing much, and I decided that rather than try to force it and end up with something nobody would ever want to read, I would wait until I actually had something to say.
So now here it is March, and I still don't have anything to say, but it's been long enough that i ahev decided to go back on my previous decision and force something, mainly because I am bored.
I could discuss The Passion of the Christ, or gay marriage.
I haven't seen The Passion of the Christ, but I did watch CNN last Wednesday enough to know that they didn't talk about anything Wednesday except for The Passion of the Christ. I cite this as further evidence that CNN sucks.
As far as gay marriage goes I think even talking about it is stupid, and I resent the assholes who insist on opposing equal protection under the law for buttpirates thereby making a discussion necessary. Obviously I think gay people should be able to get married, but I don't have anything to say that anybody hasn't already heard. There's really not much to discuss, other than to call those who are opposed to it backwards and hateful and self-righteous fuckheads and whatever other thing you feel like calling them and move on.
On a personal level I could discuss my work ( I have transferred to a different Barnes and Noble where I have the exact same job and make the exact same money), but nobody really cares. I could discuss my free time, but hearing about what my friends are doing and what movies I have seen recently would be even worse.

One thing that I can think to mention is that I recently gave up on being smart. I am not smart, and I don't care anymore. Yeah I have certain facilities for certain things, but I am equally bad at countless others, and I have come to realize that I am about at the same level as everyone else.
This is in sharp contrast to my thinking ten or fifteen years ago, when I was certain that I was a great mind, superior o those around me, destined for great things.
I don't think any of that anymore. I think that I am ordinary, and so are you, and who gives a fuck because if either of us was extraordinary we'd probably just piss it away and not amount to anything in spite ourselves.
Here's wishing you a happy March.