Friday, January 12, 2007

Pink Eye

I woke up early this morning with strep throat and conjunctivitis. The strep throat I knew about, I've been putting off going to the doctor all week, but the conjunctivitis was a surprise.
"Might as well go get it taken care of now," was my thought, so I put on some shoes and a hoodie and, not being familiar with their business hours, headed over to Patient First where I figured the wait would be brief and I could get my two prescriptions and move on to the 24 hour Walgreens across the street. It turns out Patient First isn't open at 4 am. I thought it was a 24 hour sort of operation, like an emergency room but cheaper. Apparently I was very wrong.
Up now and unable to fall back asleep I decided to do what I normally do at such times and put on a bad movie (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) and check the internet for things that might have gotten by me recently. I corresponded with two people I've been out of touch with, read an extended conversation on Slate about the playoffs this weekend, discovered that George Bush was sending more troops to Iraq (embarrassing to be so far behind), and left a comment on someone's myspace that quoted a Times review of a new Justin Timberlake movie. Apparently Alpha Dog provides "the same entertainment value you get from watching monkeys fling scat at one another in a zoo." Chew on that, Hollywood!


Andrew said...

I forgot to mention that before I went to Patient First I also put on pants.

Anonymous said...

well, thank god for that (the pants, i mean). sorry to hear that you're so under the weather, andrew. guess those beers on sunday weren't such a good idea after all...feel better, but keep your pink eyes to yourself...

Miss Scarlet said...

"...corresponded with two people I've been out of touch with..."

I didn't know you knew how to do that;)