Monday, December 15, 2003

WARNING: My Blog Totally Blows

There's a reason I haven't written anything in my blog for a week and it's this: I feel pressure not to suck.
There's arrogance in writing something and posting it where other people might read it, and arrogance in sharing things about yourself with people who potentially don't know you. I'll admit that I am an arrogant person, but I'm also pretty self-conscious and I worry constantly about what people think of me. I am worrying about it right now, and it makes it harder to write even this, a lame disclaimer. Furthermore, I know that it's not really any fun to read something and have the author keep commenting on every line of it as you go, so I am going to try to dispense with my stress and self-consciousness here in one fell swoop:
Don't expect this to be good. It's not. If you read any more I assume it's because you're my friend and you're really bored. I'll try to write drafts for entries and revise them before posting, but I may get lazy. This is, first and foremost, something that I am doing because it can be fun and it passes time. Like a jigsaw puzzle, only without the feeling of accomplishment.