Thursday, December 18, 2003

Dawson's Creek

This morning before work I watched Dawson's Creek. They have it on for two solid hours every weekday, and yes, I am embarassed to say I watch it, and no, not often.
But the point is that Dawson and some girl were watching a movie, and after it ended, Dawson turned to this girl and said, "That was unbelievable." The girl was not convinced. After a little pretentious dialogue in which Dawson tried to change her mind he gave up, saying "It was the heartbreaking work- (and here he paused to think while I sat up on the edge of my seat) of a staggering genius."
Is that where Dave Eggers got his title from? Is it some bizarre coincidence? Have the "writers" of Dawson's Creek taken to incorporating titles of well-known books into their teleplays?
"My goodness, you must brush three times a day. Those are some White Teeth."
"True, she supports the creation of a Jewish state, but does she follow The Protocols of the Elders of Zion?"
"Rodney's eyes are bluer than yours. His is The Bluest Eye."