Thursday, December 18, 2003

Dawson's Creek

This morning before work I watched Dawson's Creek. They have it on for two solid hours every weekday, and yes, I am embarassed to say I watch it, and no, not often.
But the point is that Dawson and some girl were watching a movie, and after it ended, Dawson turned to this girl and said, "That was unbelievable." The girl was not convinced. After a little pretentious dialogue in which Dawson tried to change her mind he gave up, saying "It was the heartbreaking work- (and here he paused to think while I sat up on the edge of my seat) of a staggering genius."
Is that where Dave Eggers got his title from? Is it some bizarre coincidence? Have the "writers" of Dawson's Creek taken to incorporating titles of well-known books into their teleplays?
"My goodness, you must brush three times a day. Those are some White Teeth."
"True, she supports the creation of a Jewish state, but does she follow The Protocols of the Elders of Zion?"
"Rodney's eyes are bluer than yours. His is The Bluest Eye."

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

My Thoughts about Saddam Hussein

The thing about Saddam Hussein is that everybody always calls him Saddam, and it pisses me off.
Comparing Saddam Hussein with Adolf Hitler is retarded, but if you'll forgive me for doing it this one time I'd like to point out that nobody in the thirties and forties called the German chancellor "Adolf." At least I don't think they did.

(Small Detour-)Today at work I was talking to a co-worker named Tim (this journal could be named "Andrew Interacts with his Co-workers"). Tim went to my high school, now he is a lawyer who has just passed the bar, and is waiting until after Christmas before he goes off to Russia or some damn place I don't know specifics because I was only half-listening. Tim loves to talk, about 1. Himself and 2. International Politics, and sometimes 3. His future role in International Politics. If you listen to everything he says you will cry and hit him, so you have to filter some of the shit out.

When I told Tim I broke my foot he told me that he broke his foot once, and he never got a cast and that even though it hurt and took a long time to heal he wouldn't let it stop him from playing basketball. That's what kind of a jerk Tim is.

(And here the point-) Today Tim told me that the reason we call him Saddam instead of calling him Hussein is because that's the way it's done in the Middle East. There are thousands of Husseins, and the best way to communicate which one you mean is to call him Saddam.
While I respect the Middle East and fully acknowledge that they are entitled to their own customs and I to mine, I refuse to yield to this informality. He is not the captain of a rival softball team, he is a tyrant and a mass murderer and I am going to address him with the appropriate level of respect. I will continue to call him Saddam Hussein.

Monday, December 15, 2003

WARNING: My Blog Totally Blows

There's a reason I haven't written anything in my blog for a week and it's this: I feel pressure not to suck.
There's arrogance in writing something and posting it where other people might read it, and arrogance in sharing things about yourself with people who potentially don't know you. I'll admit that I am an arrogant person, but I'm also pretty self-conscious and I worry constantly about what people think of me. I am worrying about it right now, and it makes it harder to write even this, a lame disclaimer. Furthermore, I know that it's not really any fun to read something and have the author keep commenting on every line of it as you go, so I am going to try to dispense with my stress and self-consciousness here in one fell swoop:
Don't expect this to be good. It's not. If you read any more I assume it's because you're my friend and you're really bored. I'll try to write drafts for entries and revise them before posting, but I may get lazy. This is, first and foremost, something that I am doing because it can be fun and it passes time. Like a jigsaw puzzle, only without the feeling of accomplishment.

Thursday, December 11, 2003


Yesterday in Richmond we had an earthquake. It was a small earthquake, something to talk about with people you don't know that well-
"I was taking a shower."
"I was watching Full House."
Personally, I was at work and I never even knew it happened. I walked by the cafe and a coworker stopped me, saying, "Man, did you feel that? That was so weird!"
"I don't have time for this, " I said. "These books ain't selling themselves! Come on people! Hustle!"
And that day we would sell more books than ever before, and I would be promoted to Vice President in Charge of Awesomeness.
The End.

Tuesday, December 09, 2003


My sister has invented a style of music called Dinocore, and she is forming the first ever Dinocore band with her boyfriend and two of her roommates. They will be called the Terror-Daktals, and their music will be a lot like hardcore, only all of the songs will be about dinosaurs. I think this is an awesome idea, and I am looking forward to hearing her perform.

As far as my own music goes, I discovered more things about Wayne when we rehearsed this morning.
6a. Wayne is kind of bossy.
6b. Wayne has a brother named Leon who does whatever Wayne says, which in this instance meant turning pages.
7. Wayne is not better than Mike Disque, and he needs to practice a lot before next time.


I am about to go play Brahms with a man named Wayne. Wayne is black and speaks with a British accent, superficial features to comment on certainly, but then I don't really know him very well. From the interactions that I have had with him, I have discovered the following:
1. Wayne is black.
2. Wayne speaks with a British accent.
3. Wayne is a pianist, and shares my love of classical music.
4. Wayne is extremely confident in his skills as a pianist, and quietly dismisses technical difficulties that I mention to him.
Me- "This piece is really hard for the piano."
Wayne- "Oh, don't you worry about that."
5. Wayne's sense of humor is, if you want to know the truth, a bit creepy.