Friday, November 03, 2006

It's been a month- oops.

Does anyone still read this? I feel like most people have given it up at this point, and it makes me sad. Biscoe, I know you're still there. I've got like five half written things I need to write the other half of, and I just never seem to get around to it.
Possibly the problem is that I've become too ambitious, and it's gotten to the point where nothing is good enough. Well, no more. Ambition is for douchebags.

Today I want to take a moment to hype up Bravo's new season of Top Chef, which if you didn't know is a "Reality" tv show where a group of chefs take part in different food related challenges, with the worst cook each week being jettisoned until the one remaining contestant is given some new cookware and an expenses paid trip to action-packed Pigeon Forge. It's reality TV so it's stupid by nature, but this past week really sold me on the series and I think I'm now commited to watching the entire season. Consider the following incidents from Wednesday night's episode:

1. The following exchange between contestant and judge:
Judge: Food is for eating!
Contestant: I agree with you one hundred percent.

2. The contestants were given a $100 each to buy ingredients for the week's ELIMINATION CHALLENGE. One young man named Michael, who is obviously a raging alcoholic, used $8 of that money to buy himself some beer, and discovering at the register that he was over budget declined to put the beer back, electing to ditch his cheese instead. His dish? A steak and cheese sandwich.
Later in the episode, afraid he would be voted off, Michael was seen pounding a can of beer and then declaring he would fight head judge Tom Colicchio.

Mike's worth watching all by himself. Throw in a guy who looks like Wolverine only with a squeaky voice, and you've got something truly special.


Anonymous said...

Don't worry, I'm still here too, Andrew. But you probably knew that.

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking about this.... just because I'm in Africa doesn't mean I can't still read this....I miss junk t.v. Here there is one station and everynight the highlight is the obituaries....

Anonymous said...

your forgot about thedykeyone and the trashy host. oh and ilan being hot, your female readers need to know that there are hot guys.

Birdie & Bear said...

I don't like Top Chef. I, the audience, cannot judge food on looks alone. I need to know if the food is tasty and aromatic, not just good looking. I don't like it.

But drunk people are fun to watch on TV, when they're far away and not yelling in your ear or breathing on you.

Ambition IS for douchebags.
