Friday, August 18, 2006

You Gotta Do What You Gotta Do

This morning on my way to work I stopped by the local gas station to redeem a coupon, one of those frequent customer cards where the cashier punches a hole everytime you buy something. I got all my coffee there for a few weeks, and the cashier recognized me when I came in. So did the man making the sausage biscuits. He waved, I waved back, and went to add the cream and sugar.
I looked up from my half and half to see the biscuit man come around the counter to say hello.
"You find what you need?" he asked me.
"Oh sure," said I, "found it fine."
"Lord I am exhausted," said the biscuit man, hands on hips. "These two jobs I work have me wore out."
"Yeah, two jobs'll do that to you," I said.
"Yeah. I got this here management position, and then I got my own business for myself. Make more money on that."
I knew what was coming, I've been here before. "I'm looking for some quality people to help me with my business, maybe you'd be interested?" And then he'd try to have me sell knives or help people refinance their mortgages or sell amway.
"Yeah, I work here, and then I make movies."
"Oh," I said, unsettled, "that's really great. You must be proud."
"Well, they're all X rated," he said. "I don't tell my mama."
"Uh huh," I nodded. "I guess you don't."
"Good money though, and in these times we livin' in..."
"Yeah, gotta do what you gotta do."
"Yeah, I sure am exhausted though." He wiped sweat from his brow, smiled and said, "You have a good day now!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You told me to leave you a link to my journal, so here you go:

It's nothing interesting and I'm probably a bit obsessive with food.
