Thursday, April 28, 2005

Holly O'Donnell Strikes Again

I work in a bookstore, where I fail to realize my potential but do an excellent job shelving the magazines. My plan has been to continue doing this until it is no longer comfortable and I am forced to move in another direction, possibly a direction involving a bronze medal in gymnastics or maybe crank. According to my eleventh grade english teacher, Holly "You're never going to earn any money" O'Donnell, this lack of direction and/or purpose is what comes from a double major in history and music. Ms. O'Donnell says I'd have been much happier majoring in a subject that I hate and show no aptitude for, such as math or business. Had I known the key to happiness was going against my own instincts and rejecting everything that appeals to me, that is exactly what I would have done.

Mrs. O'Donnell, or the Soul-Raping Dark Queen of Pragmatism as she will henceforth be referred to, came into Barnes and Noble last week. There she overheard me talking to an old woman about some sort of Jewish scripture.
"Like a Jewish Bible. No, not the Torah, different. It's got the whole old testament. No, I want one in leather. No, that looks wrong to me. I don't know why, it just does."
As soon as I dispatched this confused lady, The Soul-Raping Dark Queen of Pragmatism came over and discussed the Tanakh with me. Neither of us had much of a clue what it's about, but we agreed that it must be what the woman wanted, whether she knew it or not. Then I told her Highness that I had been accepted to graduate school.
"Really?" she asked perking up, "What would you be going for?"
"Music History" I replied, wearily.
"Oh Jesus," she said, "You're never going to learn, are you? What exactly do you plan to do with that?"
She's a sweet woman. Her cell phone rang and, my career decision safely belittled, she felt free to answer it.
"Nice talking to you," I said through tears.
"Hey girl!" she said to her phone, putting my crushed self-esteem from her mind and moving on to lunch plans, or selling real estate, or some damn thing.


Blogadier General said...

the soul-raping dark queen of pragmatism teaches high school english? beautiful.

Andrew said...

Ah, but part of what makes her the Soul-Raping Dark Queen of Pramatism is that she stopped teaching high school english and began working with real estate.