Sunday, May 16, 2004

I Can't Get Hitler Out of My Mind

Today at work I was preoccupied with picking a new staff recommendation. My last one was Chocolate Flava, the anthology of black erotica where I found that sex scene that I pirated several weeks back. When you recommend a book you write out a comment to be displayed on the shelf with the book. My comment for Chocolate Flava was, "Makes a great gift!"
I had a hard time choosing a new recommendation. Whenever I recommend one that I actually like, nobody ever buys it and my feelings are hurt. So I usually try to think of something funny to recommend, but today the ideas weren't coming.
Part of the problem is that I thought of a joke I liked but couldn't use. Every other book I thought of paled in comparison.
That book was Mein Kampf. Hypothetically, my comment would have been-
"Hitler was one of the great suspense writers of the 1920's, and this classic thriller will have you riveted from the first sentence. You won't be able to put it down!"
This of course would be wildly inappropriate. So I went with Flannery O'Connor and had done with it. In three weeks when I walk by the display and see the eight copies of A Good Man is Hard to Find still sitting on the shelf collecting dust, I'll be sorry.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Flannery O'Connor sold surprisingly well.
However, this month's selection- Nathanael West's Ms. Lonelyhearts and The Day of the Locust- has not sold a single copy.