Saturday, April 18, 2009

At Least They Can't Make Me Go To Church

1) We were comparing the working conditions of 19th century factories to those of our modern day, and my professor was making a point that was way too interesting for a 200 level history class:
"We tend to think of ourselves as free, being at liberty to do what we want. But think about the ways that people's jobs control them. Think about the hours that some people work. Has anyone here ever had to pee into a cup for their employer? Isn't that a control of your leisure time? Has anyone here ever worked a job where they took home a pager or a cell phone? My husband wears a cell phone and has to answer it whenever it rings; he basically works all the time. That's not to say that our working conditions are in any way comparable to what people faced during the Industrial Revolution, only to say that before we start thinking, 'Oh I would never work a job that treated me that way,' we need to reconsider some of the things people do today for their employers."
I pondered this as a girl on the other side of the auditorium raised her hand to point out that her boss didn't regulate her morality, as employers in the 1800s often did by forcing workers to go to church on Sundays, firing them if they drank, etc.
I raised my hand.
"I know my circumstances might be unusual, but I work at a daycare and I definitely feel like my morality effects my work," I said.
"If I got a DUI I think I would lose my job. And I have to be extremely careful about what I say-- I work at a place where if I said the words "shut up" it would be a big deal."

We were playing a game at work where the kids were on two teams, each sending up a representative to compete in a sort of musical Family Feud. My boss would say a word, perhaps 'world,' and the first person to start singing "You Get the Best of Both Worlds" would win the round. In the event of a tie, the person who sang the most of the song the loudest would win. The kids had a great time with it, but then my boss called up the teachers to participate. I was facing off against a co-worker, and the word was 'bridge,' and Simon and Garfunkle was the first thing I thought of. She started singing some song I never heard of that is apparently on the radio and much better known than 'Bridge over Troubled Water.' Wanting to win, I was forced to sing most of the song as loud as I could, and when I got to the end I started over, hoping nobody would notice I was repeating myself. I think the other teacher did the same thing. Eventually my boss called it a tie.
I am a very competitive person, and this tie got under my skin. I was feeling particularly frustrated because I was no good at this game, and was losing badly. "Bridge" had been one of the few words I had a song for, and I all I could get for it was a tie.
"Okay," said my boss, "This is the last round, and our two teams are tied. So the winner of this round will win it all!!" The kids all screamed and cheered. My old boss was good at building this sort of thing up and making the kids scream a lot.
There were four teachers standing in front of a crowd of roughly sixty children, who finally fell silent as the last word was about to be called. There was palpable tension in the room. And then my boss said "Home."
I thought for a second too long, and another teacher started singing "Home, home on the range," and, completely forgetting myself, I stomped my foot and said loudly and clearly, "FUCK!"
Immediately recognizing what I had done, I clamped a hand over my mouth. I looked around the room, expecting to see mouths open in horror, kindergartners crying, third graders laughing and saying "Fuck," over and over, but somehow nobody noticed. Even though I had practically yelled the word, I had yelled it while the kids were cheering the teacher who sang "Home on the Range," their enthusiasm masking my tumble into profanity. The only person who caught it was my boss, and I saw her eyes practically bug out of her head as we exchanged a series of glances that said the following:
"Am I fired?"
"No, but only because nobody else heard you."
Later my favorite kid ( the girl who farts) would come to me and ask why I had covered my mouth and acted so embarrassed. I would tell her I was ashamed of losing, and she would laugh at me, and remind me of how often I tell kids not to take games too seriously.


jon said...

1. finally!
2. well done...

Erin said...

Worth the wait. I've been trying to figure out what other Bridge song your opponent was singing. Was it "London Bridge" by Fergie?

Andrew said...

I do think that's what it was Erin.

Anonymous said...

...Which is funny, because if the clue had been "Fergie", Andrew would have had at least a dozen songs on instant recall for this kind of contest.

Another category where Andrew dominates is "Imbruglia".

I guess it's just harder when you have to come up with the song from one word.

Miss Scarlet said...

I make an effort to be crude and/or say "bad words" whenever annoying kids are around at work. It's just because they constantly scream and drive me crazy. I'm better around the good, quiet kids.

Diane said...

It happens. As a young teacher, I ended up teaching a vocabulary lesson using the "F" bomb.