Thursday, February 14, 2008

Stare Down

Another morning, another group of pro-life advocates outside the local abortion clinic. I stopped at the usual light there at the corner of Grove and Boulevard and saw them talking to one another.
“When is Bill getting here with the large posters of the bloody fetuses?” one of them was no doubt saying.
“Oh, anytime,” replied the other. “He had to egg his lesbian neighbors house first, but he said it wouldn’t take long.”
One of them noticed me staring, and caught my gaze. We frowned at each other for a moment, and I shook my head. I’m sure he cared deeply. As the light turned green, I reflected on how much better I was than him. You know-- cause he’s a judgemental prick, and I’m really open-minded and accepting of other people’s differences.
It’s wonderful to be sure of one’s self.


Anonymous said...

Despite the fact that the last commenter didn't get what you were saying, I think your point is well made.

Protests (peaceful ones, anyway) are a way to make one's opinions known. Would the last commenter have been so upset with the protestor if he had been protesting Fred Phelps?

You're the man, Andrew.


Anonymous said...

yeah, totally hating the self-doubting, what-if-i'm-wrong nonsense here

Andrew said...

It's not that I wonder if I'm wrong-- I'm just pointing out that that dude doesn't wonder if he's wrong either. There's value in wondering if you're wrong, and the people who do it are usually at least a little bit cooler than people who don't. Put another way: self-doubt is good.