Friday, April 13, 2007

Forgive us our trespasses, and forgive those who trespass against us.

The other day at work I was in a bad mood. I was sleepy, my head hurt, and the children were being much louder than I was wanted. A co-worker noticed me snap at a child, and asked me what was wrong.
I told her I didn't get enough sleep, and that I felt bad for being less patient with the children than I ought to be. She said that this happened to her sometimes, but that this week she was focusing on trying to keep a postive outlook, and that it was working for her so far. I spoke derisively of the power of postivie thinking. She said that she also turned to God for strength to help her when she was unhappy, but that she knew that this wasn't my thing. I told her I was no more comforted by God than I was by the Tooth Fairy. She made a face, and I asked if I had offended her. She told me that no, I hadn't, but that I might have offended God. I told her I hoped that both God and the Tooth Fairy would forgive me in time for my harsh words. We bowed our heads in silent prayer to our respective deities, and later when I got to have Chipotle for dinner, I knew that the Tooth Fairy had listened, and that I had found favor in her sight.
Praise the Tooth Fairy, for she is great, and with her anything is possible.


Anonymous said...

What's with the blog hiatus.

Anonymous said...

andrew, where are you? it's been over two months now, and still i dutifully check the blog everyday...
please, come back to us, the legions of fans starving for your insight..