Thursday, February 01, 2007

Hail to the Chief

Dear Mr. President,

How are things? It's been too long. It seems like yesterday I was asking you to buy me a case of Miller High Life, and you were all, "Boys will be boys, I'd rather I know about it so I can make sure you're safe, that's what yer Daddy'd want, just make sure the girl's drunk enough she won't remember it later and charge you with assault, blah blah blah." I miss those days.
Anyway, I was just wondering where you stood on this year's Super Bowl; will you be supporting the Colts or the Bears? My thought was that you'd be for the Colts, they being the more rural of the two teams. Sure, Chicago is in the midwest too, but it's decidedly more metropolitan I'm sure you'll agree, and you were always a Red State, tobacco chewing, brush clearing sort of a guy. The game's this weekend, as I'm sure you know, so please get back to me soon. I'd hate to cheer against my President's team.

Tell Hungry-like-the-Wolfowitz I said what's up.

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