Thursday, April 29, 2004

What Aaron McGruder Means to Me

Perhaps if you have read much of my online journal you have read about Aaron McGruder before.
"Oh yeah," you are thinking, "He's the one who compared Condoleeza Rice to Darth Vader." Yes, that's true, and he also is the one who shouted at Michael Graham that he didn't care about the Asian kid.
Aaron McGruder writes the daily comicstrip The Boondocks, and he is my hero.
In last week's issue of The New Yorker there is a profile of Aaron McGruder, featuring a picture wherein he wears a simple white scarf with a silkscreen of George W Bush in black. There is also the following hilarious anecdote:

McGruder attended the 138th birthday party of The Nation, a liberal magazine. He spoke during desert, following the speech of a democratic senator who congratulated the audience on standing up "to the tide of popular convention." McGruder stood up and told the audience that he had called Condoleeza Rice a mass-murder to her face. What had they done? Then, when he spoke unapologetically of supporting Ralph Nader and was cat-called, he grabbed his crotch and invited the cat-caller to, "Try these nuts." When asked by interviewer Ben McGrath for comment, he responded, "I ain't no punk. I ain't gonna let someone shout and not go back at him."

Later in the article McGruder would be quoted as saying:
"I'm not the kind of guy who wants to spend my life being some kind of closet intellectual. I want to play Vice City. I just want to drive around and shoot innocent people. I'm all about video games."
"A lot of black people ain't up on Monty Python like they should be."
and best of all, "My point of view on that is very obvious: get off my dick, leave my shit alone."
It seemed clear, to me anyway, that The New Yorker was interested in portraying McGruder as arrogant and crude, but it only reinforced what my sister has called my "intense man-love" for him. He is insightful and plain spoken, and he is friends with Chris Rock.
Perhaps someday when Aaron Mcgruder and I are best friends, he and I will go hang out with Chris Rock, who will no doubt try out new material on us as we play Madden 2007. Perhaps he and Katie and I will play basketball, and I will have to warn him ahead of time that Katie will gush all over him and try to get in his pants. Perhaps I will make an appearance as Huey's cool self-hating white friend in The Boondocks.
All that is certain is that it will be sweet.